I must apologise for the "Regia Socks & Winner" post. I tried to post it last night, but only succeeded in getting the picture up. By the time I'd written the remainder of the post and attempted to "publish" it, Blogger was having some kind of malfunction. As a result, when I checked now, I had THREE copies of the same post *sigh*
So, MONICA be sure to read the previous post and email me with your details!
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Regia Tibet Socks & Winner

Yarn: Regia Tibet #4068
Needles: 2.25mm Bamboo DPNs (from Wondoflex)
Pattern: My own, standard 2x2 ribbed cuff and the remainder in stocking stitch/stockinette.
Verdict: They're very comfortable to wear. In hindsight (and if I'd seen the yarn in person before ordering it over the 'net) I would've have chosen a bolder colourway. The yarn is "made" of 4 strands... 3 strands are the striping colour and the fourth is black. Therefore the black serves to mute the overall striping.
The TimTams Competition:The first person to correctly guess that I was using Regia Tibet was
Monica. Congrats Monica! Please send me an email (ozknitter AT gmail DOT com) with your name and address and let me know if you'd like the
Pink TimTams or if you'd prefer a
different flavour.
Thanks for all the guesses! Hope that you all had fun playing and reading my blog at the same time.
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Saturday Sky ~ 28/10/06

This is a late afternoon shot, and you can see the effect of the setting sun in the colours of the cloud. The moon's visible too (might need to click to see the larger picture, for a clearer view of the moon).
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Regia Socks
Ok, here's your last chance to guess which Regia socks I'm knitting and to win the packet of TimTams.
Think "country" and if you go to
Flickr and do a search you will find some baby socks knitted with this yarn.
If nobody has the right answer, in approximately 24 hours from now I will use a 'random number selector' and that will choose a winner from all those who have entered a guess.
So check back tomorrow for the winner and to see a picture of the socks.
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Regia Socks & Final Clue
Well I've just finished knitting my Regia socks. They're off the needles and on my feet. I've snapped a picture and I'm ready to post it.
So, here's the final TimTams clue:
I took a look through some of the photos on
Flickr and found a pair of little socks in the exact Regia yarn I used.
I'm certain that by the time I check back tomorrow night (that's about 19 hours from now) that we will have a winner and I'll be able to post my "finished socks" picture.
Good luck all!
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Secret knitting ~ revealed
Recently I undertook some secret knitting.
Here's what I made...

Yarn: Opal Rainforest Doctorfish
Needles: 2.5mm Bamboo DPNs
Pattern: My standard sock pattern with an eye of partridge heel flap
They've winged their away across the globe, from here to there and here they are on the surprised, but very happy, recipient's feet! (Note the stripes match pefectly! That did threaten to drive me insane LOL)

Look how well they fit!

Note: Ignore the date on the photos, somebody fiddled with their camera and now they can't reset the date LOL
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
TimTams clues
Lots of great guesses, but still not the Regia that I'm currently knitting.
I've finished down to the gusset on one sock and I've nearly finished the gusset of the other, leaving just the feet and toes.
Here's some more information to help you eliminate some possible yarns:
~ It is a 4fädig sock yarn.
~ It's a 75% Schurwolle (New Wool) & 25% Polyamid (Polyamide) yarn.
~ It is NOT found on the Regia site. (Download the PDF on
this page for more to eliminate).
Go here to see competition details)
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Saturday Sky ~ 21/10/06

Decided to wait for a Sunset Saturday Sky this week. It's not as pretty as I'd hoped, so maybe next time.
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
A Laugh & Clue
If you're up for a laugh, check out
this rant.
CLUE FOR THE TIMTAMS COMPETITION:The yarn is a Regia yarn, but which one?
Go here to see competition details)
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
2007 calendar

Look what I found in
Borders the other day! I'd been saving a birthday gift voucher to buy a calendar/diary for 2007 particularly as Borders has lots of international ones to choose from and this is how I redeemed my voucher.
This one is from
Accord Publishing. I just checked their site, but they don't yet have their 2007 collection listed. So, for more details you might like to check it out at
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
TimTams Clue
CLUE FOR THE TIMTAMS COMPETITION:At least a couple of you have guessed the correct brand. I believe the yarn is one of last year's collection.
Go here to see competition details)
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Sock History & Clue
As part of
Lolly posed some
questions regarding your sock knitting history.
My answers:
When did you start making socks? Did you teach yourself or were you taught by a friend or relative? or in a class?I started in January 2006. I'd never even realised that you could knit socks, before then. I learnt by following the pattern in
this Paton's book. At the same time I learnt how to knit in the round using DPNs.
What was your first pair? How have they "held up" over time?
Here is my
first pair, made with
Paton's Patonyle 4ply #4309 using 2.25mm bamboo DPNs.
Patons #1239.
They've held up beautifully. They're very soft and I love the fact that I can throw them in the washing machine with all the other laundry. The only repair required so far is to the top of one of them where the round joins up. Just needed a little reinforcing. (When I made them I didn't know about switching the first and last stitches to give a smoother join).
What would you have done differently?I would have "kitchenered" the first one properly. I tried but ended up getting in a muddle and just finishing it "any old how". Thankfully
Donna gave me a link to a
"How to Kitchener" video which was a lifesaver! So, the second one (and every other sock since) turned out perfectly.
What yarns have you particularly enjoyed?So far I've liked all of the yarns I've knitted with. I haven't found anything that's been too "harsh" or "splitty". I've used Patonyle, Lana Grossa (Mega Boots Stretch & Meilenweit "Fun & Stripes"), Heirloom Jigsaw, Marta's Yarns, OnLine and Opal.
I really like
Paton's Patonyle because it's soft, durable and Australian. Unfortunately they don't have a big colour range (I have it on good authority there will be new colours for 2007).
Marta's Yarns 2ply 100% Merino (I use 2 strands to give 4ply) is gorgeously soft and makes lovely socks. I also like the variety of colours that Opal offers.
At this point, I haven't used too many brands and there are many that I'd like to try, especially those that aren't available here, like STR, Sock Hop, Koigu, Fleece Artist.
Do you like to crochet your socks? or knit them on DPNs, 2 circulars, or using the Magic Loop method?I knit them on bamboo DPNs. I've tried circulars, but I much prefer DPNs. I do use circulars when I want to try the socks on. (Knit onto the circular... measure/try on... knit off the circular back to the DPNs).
I defnitely haven't tried to crochet them. (I can only crochet a single chain.)
Which kind of heel do you prefer? (flap? or short-row?)I like heel flaps. I have attempted short-rows a couple of times, but just can't seem to make them look right. Anyone have any "idiot-proof" short-row heel instructions?
How many pairs have you made?My sidebar says I've made 11 pairs. I do have some "singles" around here that need pairs.
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
CLUE FOR THE TIMTAMS COMPETITION:The yarn brand is one I haven't listed above.
Go here to see competition details)
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Saturday Sky ~ 14/10/06

Today's sky is a bit of mixture; fluffy white clouds and blue sky in some parts and in others some darker grey clouds. Hopefully the grey clouds continue to increase and then dump lots of rain, because we desperately need rain all across the country.
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Breast Cancer Awareness Month & contest
Pink, pink, pink everywhere.
Look what you can get!
Pink TimTams! They're yummy too! ;o)
So do your bit this month, and buy specially marked pink items and support the
National Breast Cancer Foundation and breast cancer research.
Now, if you're not lucky enough to live in Australia, and you're just dying to try our famous
TimTams, maybe you'd like to win a packet?
My Toe Up Socks and I are having a disagreement. As a result, they're currently in "time out" and I've cast on another pair of "top down" socks. I'm using a German sock yarn. So, the first person who can name the brand and the yarn "collection" my yarn comes from (ie the red socks I just completed are "Opal Rainforest") will win a packet of TimTams
I have a few ideas for hints, so if required, I'll start giving those after a couple of days. One guess per day please.
Good luck!
(Note: Prize is one packet of "pink" TimTams, or a flavour of your choice).
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Look Jaymi...

My red socks, for the
Red Sock KAL, are off the needles and on my feet!
Yarn: Opal Rainforest Ladybug
Needles: 2.5mm bamboo DPNs
Pattern: My standard sock pattern. In this case, I ribbed for 20 rounds, then knitted stocking stitch for a futher 65 before commencing the heel flap. I used a slip-stitch heel flap.
I had planned to knit a rib/baby cables combination on the leg, but it just didn't look right. So after frogging, I went for speed over fancy LOL.
This time I did something a little different when picking up the heel flap edge stitches. I came across
this post/technique on
Grumperina's blog the other day and decided I'd try it for myself. It takes a little longer, IMO, to do it this way, but it does give a very smooth result.
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Saturday Sky ~ 7/10/06

Simply Gorgeous Spring Saturday here in Melbourne
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
My First Toe-Up Sock

Here's my first toe-up sock. I'm using the
Widdershins pattern from
Knitty and the cast-on the pattern links to.
I think I'm doing pretty well. I've only frogged once, and that was just the cast-on and a couple of rows. I have a little under an inch of the foot left to knit, so once I've done that bit I'll cast on the second sock and knit the foot.
Patons Patonyle (4ply/fingering weight sock yarn) #4310
~ chosen because I know it machine washes beautifully and because I knew it would withstand the frogging I thought I'd be doing
Needles: 2.25mm bamboo DPNs x 4
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Happy Socktober!
In case you didn't realise it, today is Socktober 1st!
The sock knitter in me was very happy to realise that Socktober is celebrated in lots of ways, including
Socktoberfest 2006.
To celebrate,
Socks-For-Mum and I are cohosting...
As the name implies, it's a Knit-A-Long for those who'd like to try knitting their first pair of Toe-Up Socks.
Come and join us!
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Saturday Sky
Yes, I know it's already Sunday but I didn't have a chance to post yesterday, even though I DID take pictures.

This is the HOLDEN airship, hovering over Melbourne filming the AFL Grand Final, which is basically our equivalent of the NFL SuperBowl.
Also there was lots of other aerial activity, including...
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved