
A huge "thanks" to Ms
Yarnivorous who kindly picked up a ball of Tofutsies, at the Stitches & Craft Show, for me! Bon Voyage and have fun!
Secondly, many thanks for all of the comments and suggestions about 2.25mm bamboo DPNs. I'm particularly delighted to hear that Clover make a 2.25mm (thanks Harriet!). I'm going to follow up on all of them and, at this stage, I think I'll try some of the different brands you mentioned in order to find "my favourite". TYVM.
Labels: DPNs, needles, sock yarn, thanks, Tofutsies
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Crisis ~ 2.25mm DPNs
Help! I'm effectively "out" of 2.25mm DPNs (due to snapping or splintering) and I desperately need some. I really like my Clover bamboo DPNs but they don't make a 2.25mm.
So, I'm asking for your advice... what bamboo/wooden 2.25mm DPNs have you used and been happy with? (If you use an online supplier, that ships to Australia, a link would be fabulous)
Labels: DPNs, needles
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
FO ~ Socks #5/2007

Lorna's Laces - Shepherd Sock ~ Lakeview
Needles: 2.5mm bamboo & 2.25mm birch DPNs
Pattern: The pattern is based on
Gentleman's Fancy Sock from
Nancy Bush's Knitting Vintage Socks, but I made some alterations. Instead of doing leg decreases, I started with the # of stitches you decrease to and used a larger needle size, then switching to the smaller needles for the foot. I did my regular heel (with an eye of partridge heel flap) and toe. I had planned to continue the pattern onto the foot, but then decided it looked better plain.
Thoughts: I really enjoyed knitting with
Lorna's Laces and I'll definitely be using it again. I've
used this pattern before and it's fun to knit. The socks are nice and comfy too!
Labels: FO, Knitting Vintage Socks, Lorna's Laces, SAM3, socks
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
FO ~ Socks #4/2007

Yarn: Austermann Step
Needles: 2.5mm Clover bamboo DPNs
Pattern: My standard sock pattern, but this time with a rib
Thoughts: The yarn's lovely to knit. These are a gift and the recipient has already been wearing them to keep her feet warm (it's been snowing a lot where she lives).
They also fit the "Project Spectrum" Feb/March colours of blue, white & grey.
Labels: FO, gift, Project Spectrum, SAM3, socks
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Spring Knitty 2007
The new issue of
Knitty is up!
I love
Clessidra and
I'm wondering if
Quill Lace would work for my Bloomin' Feet sock pal's socks? Hmm... I was going to do the Monkey socks but, after several attemps, they just didn't work with the yarn so I'm on the lookout for another pattern.
What caught your eye in this issue?
Labels: Bloomin' Feet, Knitty, patterns, sock pattern, socks
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Look what I have...

I "special ordered" it from my favourite bookseller (thanks H!) and hot-footed it into town to collect it. I love it. The hard part is trying to decide what to knit first! LOL
It may seem I haven't been knitting much lately, but I have. Firstly there was a pair of "secret" socks that I wasn't able to blog about and tonight I've just finished a pair of socks for myself.
Pics and details to follow in the next couple of days.
So, what's everyone been up to? What's on your needles?
Labels: Favorite Socks, sock book, sock pattern, socks
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved