Gorgeous sock wool & other stuff

Here's my latest sock yarn acquisition. Some gorgeous hand-dyed 100% Aussie Merino 2ply wool from
Marta's Yarns. I love the colours and it's wonderfully soft. I plan to knit using 2 strands at once and Angie (@ Marta's) was kind enough to wind it doubled for me, so all I have to do is start knitting!
Naturally I can't start using that wool until I have free needles. Currently the needles are occupied with the current socks (the earthy coloured ones) which aren't progressing terribly quickly. That's partly a combination of not as much knitting time this week as the past week and partly because I keep having to frog one or other of the heels. One sock has the heel and gusset done and the other is at the end of the heel flap. Hopefully it's all correct now and I hope no further frogging will be required!
You may also notice I've done a little blog decorating. I've added a couple of buttons in the right sidebar (more about the
SYAC on April 1st) and I've added an "In My Library" section. This will show 3 random selections from the knitting-related books I have in my library.
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
As promised

Here's a pic of my current WIP. Surprise, surprise it's socks! LOL
In this picture, the bottom one is ready for the heel and is 21.5cm (8.5 inches) long from the cuff. The second one, which is shorter in this pic, is now the same length as the first.
Although it's a little hard to see, it's actually a K3, P1, K1, P1 rib.
So currently I'm trying to decide what heel I want to go with. I'm kind of leaning towards a short row heel. I've never attempted it, but I really like the look of it. So I'm reading up and I think I'll have a go. If it doesn't work, then I'll frog back and try a different heel.
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Checking in
I've not been about much as watching the Commonwealth Games is affording me lots of knitting time. I'm deeply entrenched in my next project and I promise to put up a photo tomorrow (when I'm on my computer again).
Thanks for the comments about my red and blue socks. I'm really looking forward to wearing them, just as soon as the weather cools down some! (Supposed to be 30c here tomorrow).
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Ta Da!!

Gentleman's Fancy Sock from
Nancy Bush's Knitting Vintage Socks.
Yarn is
Lana Grossa Mega Boots Stretch #707. Knitted on 2.25mm Bamboo DPNs.
My Reflections
~ I thought I'd matched the colours up, but alas, there's a "short" and a "long" red section. In hindsight, I wouldn't have had enough yarn if I'd decided to frog the second one in an attempt to match up the colours; I would have run out before getting to the toe.
~ Not mad on this toe. To me it's really pointy. So I probably won't knit this toe again.
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Sock #2

Front view of sock, with heel flap.

Back view
The colours are a little off in these photos, as the flash went off.
Progress is non-existent at present due to a hand injury! This has meant no knitting for 48 hours and very minimal computing.
I sure hope it's better in the morning because I'm dying to knit whilst I've been watching the Commonwealth Games and the cricket!
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
It's been a busy few days, so not much progress on sock #2 (red & blue one). So far I've knitted the cuff and two additional "bands" of the blocks. Lots more to go.
I did go to a Stitches & Craft Show, which (except for the craft bookstall) was a complete waste of time. Firstly, there were very few yarn/wool stalls there, but there were heaps of quilting and beading stalls. The stock in the yarn stalls was pretty much what I could find at any of several yarn/wool shops in Melbourne. I guess I was looking for yarn that's more of a "boutique" nature, ie. hand dyed or hand painted. O well, as I mentioned the day was saved by the bookstall where I made three purchases.
Also, some of the ladies in my snb group have recommended a couple of other shows/festivals which will have more of the "boutique" yarn I'm looking for. I'd better start saving my pennies!
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
One down & one to go

Gentleman's Fancy Sock from
Nancy Bush's Knitting Vintage Socks. I LOVE this book!
Yarn is
Lana Grossa Mega Boots Stretch #707. It's two strands twisted together. One strand is blue and the other strand varies from red to blue, giving the socks the variegated colour. Knitted on 2.25mm Bamboo DPNs.
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
For the KOGO project

Finished ~ a beanie for a child, 5 - 8 years.

WIP ~ A Green & Gold scarf.
For more information about the KOGO project, click the link on my LEFT sidebar.
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Drive-By Blog

Here's the current WIP. You may recognise the yarn from the "ToeUps". Yes, I frogged those again! My wonderful new book (more details tomorrow) inspired me to knit some socks from there. This is the first one, and there's about an inch to go before the heel starts.
Sorry for the quick post, I'm pushed for time, but wanted to get this post up. Will get to emails tomorrow!
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved