Socks #8

Socks #8 (so named because they're the eighth pair I've knitted)
Yarn: Opal Chameleon (
a gift from limedragon)
Needles: 2.25mm bamboo DPNs
Pattern: My generic top-down pattern. Essentially a K3-P2 ribbed leg, slip-stitched heel flap and stocking stitched feet. Basic heel and toe
This is the first time I've knitted with Opal sock yarn. It was great to knit with and is very comfortable on my feet. I believe there will be no colour bleeds and that I'll be able to throw them in the cold machine wash with everything else. I haven't washed them yet, so will get back to you.
I didn't want identical twins, so I've knitted one from the outside of the ball and the other from the middle.
In summary: I love em! Thanks again
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Saturday Sky

Here's my Saturday Sky, taken about an hour ago. Sadly, since then it's dramatically clouded over and the temperature's dropped. *sigh* That's Melbourne for you!
Knittingwise, I ran into problems with the baby jumper so that was on hold for a few days. Thankfully I was able to get into the city yesterday to see
Diana (I'm using a
Cleckheaton pattern) who assured me it would work and that I'd done it right. So I just have about an inch left on the second sleeve then I need to sew the front and back together, knit the collar, knit the button "bits" on the front, sew it all up and add the buttons. I hope to have that done this weekend.
I've finished my Opal Chameleon socks. They're very comfy! Pics & details soon.
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
This & That
A bit of a mixed post today, with a little of this and a little of that.
1. I signed up for the
Mystery Sock KAL. The idea is to find a sock pattern online that does not have a picture of the finished product and then to knit a pair. So now I'm on the look out for a pattern. Got any you can recommend?
2. Next up, sockwise, for me is a pair of socks made from
Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in Lakeview. I'll be knitting them for me.

I have 3 different LL colourways (and I have my eye on more) but before I purchase more I thought I should knit at least one pair first, so I know if I like them or not. So, again, I'm asking does anyone have any pattern suggestions (not lace patterns)?
3. I've been working on the baby jumper. The front is almost finished, so then I'll just have one sleeve, the collar and the button band to go. I'm going to try my hand at blocking for the first time, as the rib is 'bunched' up and will look better stretched out to the indicated dimensions. Know where I can get blocking pins here? Tried my local
Spotlight, but couldn't find any.
4. Need a sock bag to keep your current SIP?
Trek makes gorgeous ones. Mine recently arrived, and I love it!
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
One finished "WIP"

Finished... socks for "Young Knitter".
Lana Grossa Meilenweit "Fun & Stripes" Fabre #631
Needles: 2.5mm bamboo DPNs
Pattern: My basic sock pattern, based on YK's foot (and some trial & error). There is some shaping down the back of the leg too
Thoughts: These were fun and relatively quick to knit. The stripes weren't as "crisp" as I'd thought they'd be due to the random "dark splotches" (which is the intended pattern of the yarn, but wasn't immediately obvious by looking at the original ball). The colours very nearly matched up... I was only out, at the end, by a length of about 5cm (I must have cast one on tighter than the other?)
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Last Friday or Saturday I finally organised myself to take pictures of my current knitting Works In Progress.
So, without further ado, here they are...

Striped socks for my friend "Young Knitter". Just about an inch of foot and then the toe left to do.

8ply sock(s) for me using Shepard Colour 4 Me.

Back and sleeve of a jumper for a 9mth old, using Bendigo Woollen Mills Machine Washable 8ply.

Socks for me ~ Opal Rainforest Chameleon (from limedragon)
Yes, there's one glaring omission. My SamplerM project. I'm behind. Once I get the striped socks and the baby jumper done, I'm going to catch up. THEN I'll show you pictures :-)
So, whilst I have been busy, I have also been busy knitting. I thoroughly enjoyed this year's Tour de France (go Robbie!). I was able to get lots of knitting done whilst watching it each night.
More major sporting events please, I need more knitting time!
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved