Nearly done!
SYAC Spring Feet Sock Swap socks are nearly finished! So far I've got 2 legs, 2 heel flaps, 2 heels, 2 gussets, 1 foot and half a foot. Just need to finish that foot and then knit 2 toes and kitchener them closed. Hopefully this will all happen tomorrrow (Tuesday). Then they'll jump into a quick bath and be ready to post on Thursday!
I'm really enjoying knitting these socks. I'm liking the colours, the yarn, the needles and the pattern. I'm going to have to knit a pair for myself!
Once they're done I'll take a picture.
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Checking in
Hi all
Still alive and still knitting. In fact, you could say I'm madly knitting! I had a panic attack yesterday when I realised that I need to post the socks for the SYAC Spring Feet Sock Swap on JUNE 1. That means I have less than TWO WEEKS to knit the socks, which will leave me a day or two to wash (and thoroughly dry) them before posting. Thank goodness I'd decided on the yarn and the pattern!
So I've put aside my current socks (they had their heelflaps frogged too but now they have new heelflaps, heels and one has nearly a full gusset) and yesterday I cast on for my SFSS pal's socks. After I'd knitted a few rows of rib I decided I hated the results! Frogged that and changed to needles .25mm smaller which are just right.
Now, as this is my first sock swap, I'm not sure of "protocol". Maybe some of you more experienced sock swappers could offer some advice... do I share progress photos on my blog or do I just give a secretive written progress report?
Happy knitting all!
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved
Dog + Knitting =

This is what happens when a dog gets things off the table that he shouldn't!
This was a nice ball of yarn... now it's been dragged through the garden and tossed around. It's all knotted and contains bits of twigs and leaves. The needles, obviously, are beyond repair.
The owner of the knitting is a young friend of mine who I've been teaching to knit. This was their first knitting and naturally they were devastated to find what the dog had done. Luckily it's not the first time the dog's taken something he shouldn't, so some new needles and new yarn and the young knitter was happy again.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My knitting isn't really going anywhere at the moment. The socks have been frogged and I've decided what I want to do, I just need a block of uninterrupted time to sit and work it out! I have been working on the scarf when I've had a few minutes, so that's nearly finished.
Lack of interesting television, lack of time and computer games have conspired to keep me away from knitting, but I'm hoping tonight or tomorrow night I'll be able to get moving on those socks, because I can't wait to wear them!
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved

Well, here's what one of my socks looks like. When I took this, last Friday, both socks had had their heels turned and gusset stitches picked up and this one had the gusset and about 30 rows knitted. Then I popped it onto the circular needle to try out the fit and... *sigh* the dutch heel doesn't suit my foot at all.
It's not the pattern, as that was easy to follow and I was very impressed with the way it turned out, it just doesn't work for my feet. I did contemplate knitting on, but I love the colours and the fit of the leg that I know I'm going to want to wear these regularly and that the ill-fitting heels will drive me insane... so both of these socks need to be frogged and have new heels knitted.
So right now, they're just sitting and waiting. I'm not sure what heel I want to knit instead. I'm expecting a sock book in the mail, hopefully this week, so I'm waiting for that to arrive and then I'll make a decision about which heel to go with.
I do need to get these finished so that I can start on my socks for my SYAC Spring Sock Swap Pal!
On the upside, I'm impressed with this photo as it's the most accurate representation of the colours I've managed to capture.
Copyright ©2006 - 2008 by OzKnitter. All rights reserved